Are you in the process of changing careers or even just jobs? If you are, you may be in the process of scheduling job interviews. In fact, you may even have a number of job interviews already lined up. If that is the case, have you started preparing for your job interviews? Job interviews can […]
Archive for May, 2010
Should You Follow-Up On a Job Interview?
Are you in the process of finding a new job? If you are, you may have job interviews already lined up. In fact, you may have already had a number of job interviews take place. If that is the case, did you follow up with the interviewer or the employer in question? If follow-up contact, […]
Should You Hire a Professional Resume Writer?
Are you in the process of trying to get a new job? If you are, you will likely come across numerous job listings that you would like to apply for. When applying for a job, you are almost always required to submit a copy of your resume. When it comes to submitting a resume for […]
Should You Pay to Get Access to Job Listings?
Are you in need of a new job? If you are currently unemployed, you may actually be desperate for a job, especially if you have a family to support or bills that need to be paid. When it comes to finding job listings, especially online, you may find many websites that want you to pay […]
Should You Turn to Your State’s Labor Department to Help You Find a Job?
Are you in need of a job? Whether you are currently unemployed or if you are looking to change jobs or careers, you may be in need of a new job. Although it is more than possible for you to find and apply for jobs on your own, you may want to think about seeking […]