About Avery Partners

Avery Partners provides affordable knowledge and expertise in the IT, Finance / Accounting, and Healthcare sectors. Services include: Project Management, Human Capital Outsourcing, Management Consulting, and Staff Augmentation. The company has national capabilities and currently operates in over 20 states. We can reduce costs, eliminate hassles, increase service levels, and add value to each function we touch.

Dressing for Success: Going Beyond the Clothing

Are you an individual who has recently decided that you would like to improve your appearance?  If you are interested in doing so, whether it be inside or outside of work, you may be interested in dressing for success. 

When it comes to dressing for success, a large amount of focus is placed on clothing. For instance, many women search for elegant pants suits or dresses that can be worn to business meetings, job interviews, parties, or just to work in general. Men also do the same, but many tend to focus on business pants suits or dress pants.  While it is important that you focus on these clothing pieces and others, you may also want to look beyond the clothing.  A good percentage of your focus, if you are interested in dressing for success, should also be placed on accessories.

When it comes to accessories, you will find that you have a number of different options, particularly for women.  Clothing accessories that those dressing for success may want to examine include jewelry, hair accessories, belts, shoes, as well as purses or handbags.  If you are woman who is interested in dressing for success, you may also want to examine clothing accessories, such as the ones previously listed.

Although clothing and clothing accessories are often associated with women, there are number of accessories that men can also benefit from as well, especially those who are looking for success.  Men looking to improve their professionalism or appearance in general are urged to examine shoes, jewelry, such as watches, belts, and neckties.  With a little bit of shopping or researching online, you can easily find that men have just as many accessory options as women do.

As nice as it is to hear that you should use clothing accessories in your quest to shop for success, you may be curious as to why you should do so.  For starters, it is common for many men and women to wear clothing accessories anyways. With that in mind, many men and woman have certain accessories that they like to wear.  For instance, women may only own or two handbags and men may only own and regularly wear a couple pairs of shoes. This is more than acceptable, but it is important to take a look at your ensemble as a whole.  For instance, a leopard print handbag, although not every successful to begin with, will not match or flow together with a plaid printed business suit, and so forth.

When shopping for clothing accessories, in your quest to dress for success, it is important to realize that you do not need to purchase matching accessories for each outfit that you purchase.  What you may want to do instead is purchase a number of accessories that are comprised of neutral colors. For instance, a black, brown, or off-white handbag or belt will likely go with a number of different outfits. The same can be said for shoes, jewelry, and other clothing accessories.

If you are interested in not only buying dress for success clothes, but dress for success clothing accessories as well, it may be beneficial to make your purchases at the same time.  This will help if you are looking to match all accessories and clothing pieces together. With that mind, your shopping can also be done later.  For moneysaving accessories, you may want to consider shopping online.

Business Meetings: The Importance of Dressing for Success

Are you an individual who regularly finds yourself in business meetings?  If so, how do you typically dress for those important business meetings?  If you aren’t already doing so, you may want to take steps to dress for success. There are a number of benefits to dressing for success, especially when it comes to work related issues, such as business meetings.

If you are a business owner or a supervisor, you may schedule business meetings with your employees or coworkers.  Dressing for success for these types of business meetings is important.  A professional appearance can help to establish authority.  This is ideal if you are interested in setting yourself apart from your employees or other coworkers. A professional look and feel may result in you being taken more seriously.

If you are not yet a business owner, but would like to become one, you may need financial assistance.  If you are looking to start your own business, you may need to meet with financial lenders or business investors.  In these instances, it is important that you dress for success.  While your business plan and the possible success of your business will play the biggest roles in whether or not you are awarded financial assistance, your appearance may also be taken into consideration.  For that reason, it is advised that you show up to all business meetings with prospective lenders and investors dressed professionally and carrying yourself the same way.

Business meetings in which you will be meeting with your clients and customers are also instances in which you will want to dress for success.  Dressing professionally for these meetings helps to show that you are the right person to do business with. Your appearance, namely the way that you dress and carry yourself, is important if you run a professional business, such as a tax preparation service or a law office.  Many consumers use appearances as a way to judge. Although this isn’t always right or fair, it tends to give many comfort, security, and peace of mind.

When attending business meetings with your supervisor or supervisors, you are urged to dress for success.  Whether you have a regularly scheduled meeting or if you scheduled a meeting to inquire about receiving a pay raise or a promotion, your appearance is extremely important.  Dressing for success can give you a professional look and feel. That professional look and feel is one that can help to show that you are serious about your job or the promotion in which you are interested in receiving.

As outlined above, it is advised that you dress professionally and dress for success when attending business meetings. When doing so, you are urged to examine the clothes that you currently own.  If you work in an office setting or have in the past, you may have a number of outfits or clothing pieces that should be acceptable for when attending important business meetings. Should you not have any clothes to wear, you may want to start shopping. This is easy and convenient to do online.

When dressing for your next business meeting, it is important that you proceed with caution.  You should take a close look at yourself in the mirror first. Ask yourself if you would like to do business with you, promote you, give you a pay raise, or invest in your business.

The Pay Scale for Nursing Assistants

Nursing Assistants are a valuable part of our medical facility staff. They offer ongoing care to patients at level most other staff don’t have the time to. They tend to basic needs of bathing, feeding, and dressing. They also provide emotional support to the patient and the family. Nursing Assistants are expected to help other medical staff at a moments notice with a variety of tasks including setting up medical equipment and getting patients ready to be taken for X-rays and surgery.

Most people entering the Nursing Assistant field don’t do it for the pay. They do it out of a desire to be of assistance to others in need as well as a desire to work in the medical field. Since medical facilities rank Nursing Assistant as an entry level position, they pay is very low compared to others, especially nurses. This can lead to some Nursing Assistants feeling angry, upset, and unappreciated.
The median expected salary for a Nursing Assistant in the United States is $24,383. On average, that is approximately $2,000 per month. That amount varies by experience and job location. As you can see, it does pay more than minimum wage and often employees in this field are able to secure health insurance and retirement plans.

However, when you compare that to the median salary of a Licensed Practical Nurse, which is $43,333, you can see a huge different. While it is understood that the Licensed Practical Nurse position holds more responsibility and well as requires more schooling and training, we can also see why some Nursing Assistants feel that they aren’t earning enough. It is also common that the better a Nursing Assistant is paid, the more pride they take in offering quality services to all patients.

Many health care facilities understand this, and work hard to keep Nursing Assistants content. They try to give raises as they can for performance as well as the length of time on the job. They understand that Nursing Assistants are vital to the overall balance of the Nursing staff. They also realize finding qualified employees is hard enough without having to continually interview and train new staff. Since Nursing Assistant jobs are plentiful, they can lose their good employees to other facilities who offer better pay.

Due to the pay difference, some individuals choose to go to school directly into a degree program and skip the Nursing Assistant certificate program all together. For those wanting to ease in the doorway of the medical profession and those who need the income while in school, the Nursing Assistant program is still very valuable to them in terms of having an income and being in a learning environment of the medical field.

The pay scale difference can often result in issues arising between Nursing Assistants and the Nursing staff. On one side, you have Nursing staff feeling that they have a degree and shouldn’t have to participate in particular tasks. Others just are overwhelmed by time restraints, and therefore keep their job segregated from that of the Nursing Assistants. On the other side you have Nursing Assistants who feel their tasks are harder and they aren’t getting paid nearly as much as the Nursing staff. This can lead to them developing feelings of resentment towards the Nursing staff. This being said, it is important for administration to help both the Nursing staff and Nursing Assistants interact and appreciate each other.

Seeing that pay difference as well as wanting to participate in more advances areas with the patients has lead many Nursing Assistants back into training to earn a degree as a Licensed Practice Nurse, a Registered Nurse, or another specified area in the medical field.
Medical facilities and the government agree that when medical staff is short, the patients are the ones who suffer the most. It is no different in the area of Nursing Assistant. If they positions aren’t filled, the patients may not get all of their needs met daily. For example, some nursing homes only bathe the patients every other day because of short staff issues.

The government is trying to find funding to help increase the rate of pay for Nursing Assistants. However, they feel that they pay isn’t the only issue. It is believed that healthcare facilities need to start showing Nursing Assistants more respect, appreciation, and recognition for their hard work. This profession has one of the highest turn over rates do to demanding work conditions, feelings of being under valued, and lower pay than most feel they are worth. The result is healthcare facility patients feeling the burden in part because of the pay scale for Nursing Assistants.

Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as a Nurse

A Nursing Assistant certificate allows you the opportunity to secure employment at entry level in the medical field. This position requires compassion and dedication to assisting others. It also requires a high level of effective communication as well as attention for detail. Most people entering the Nursing Assistant profession find it to be a rewarding and challenging career. However, many choose to use it as a building block for becoming a Nurse.

The program for becoming a Nursing Assistant is very fast compared with the time it takes to earn a degree in Nursing. Therefore, many see it as a logic choice to gain experience in the medical field. It is an excellent idea for those that aren’t sure if Nursing is for them. It is better to spend four to twelve weeks in training to find out then to spend two or more years working on a Nursing degree.

There are individuals who must maintain employment while pursuing their education degree for financial reasons. For individuals in this position, completing the Nursing Assistant program offers them a way to secure employment that is related to what they are going to school for.

Others choose to advance their career once they have been working as a Nurse Assistant because they see many of the tasks Nurses are responsible for. It is a level of responsibility they wish to acquire. Since they work so closely with the Nursing staff, it is a perfect opportunity to explore more of what takes place. Others have a sincere desire to further their education, but for a variety of reasons have not been able to.

There is a significant pay difference between working as a Nursing Assistant and having a degree as a Nurse. The dollar amount varies based on location, but on average the difference is $4 to $9 per hour more. It doesn’t take long at all for the overall income difference to be seen. Nursing assistants often decide that they want to work in the medical field, but definitely want to be paid more for their work. Of course, the level of responsibility differs greatly between a Nursing Assistant and a Nurse.

Working at a medical facility as a Nursing Assistant can work to your advantage when you decide to pursue a degree in Nursing. It might help you get into the program if there is more interest in the program than enrollment opportunities.

Due to the continuous demand for qualified trained professionals in the area of Nursing, most medical facilities will support you in your efforts to further your education. They will often adjust your work schedule to accommodate you whenever possible.

Tuition assistance programs are offered by many employers in the medical field. They work in a variety of ways. Some will cover a percentage of your tuition; others will pay up to a particular dollar amount. Often, you will be required to agree to work for them for a particular length of time or have to reimburse them for any tuition paid on your behalf. Others won’t pay anything while you are attending school, but will offer tuition reimbursement upon completion of your Nursing degree.

Another advantage of working as a Nursing Assistant prior to obtaining your degree in Nursing is you will have an edge over other recent graduates. You will have work experience to offer in combination with your degree while many others will only have their degree.

Employers like to maintain their quality employees. If you are able to show outstanding work ethic as a Nursing Assistance, it is very likely they will offer you a position as a Nurse upon your completion of your degree. This often depends on the job openings at the medical facility you work for.

Your certificate and work experience as a Nurse Assistant can help make career opportunities appear. It may peak your interest in returning to school to work on your Nursing degree for a variety of reasons. It can help you be accepted to a Nursing program, as well as help you secure employment after completing your Nursing degree.

What Not to Do When Resigning From Your Job

Are you currently unsatisfied with your job or the company in which you work for?  If you are, you may have considered changing jobs.  If you have thought your decision over and decided that seeking employment elsewhere is best for you, you will need to resign from your current position.  Unfortunately, for many individuals this is a lot easier said than done.

If this is the first time that you are attempting to hand in your resignation, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. Perhaps, the best way to go about quitting your job, in the appropriate matter, is to familiarize yourself with what you shouldn’t do. A few of the many steps that you will not want to take, when quitting your job, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the worst things that you can do, when looking to resign from your job, is quitting on impulse.  This most commonly occurs after receiving discipline or when a work related conflict arises.  No matter how upset or frustrated you are, you will want to try, at all costs, to not quit on the spot.  This can not only reflect negatively upon you at the moment, but an impulse resignation may impact your chances of finding employment in the future. That is why you will want to try and give your employers notice, should you wish to seek employment elsewhere.
Speaking of giving your employer an appropriate amount of notice, when looking to change jobs, you are advised to do so in a reasonable amount of time.  Most employers expect to receive at least two weeks notice.  If you do not have a new job lined up, you may want to extend your notice time or offer to help your employer until they are able to find a replacement or until you are able to find employment elsewhere. It is also important that you submit your resignation in a professional matter.  Try and do so in person, with a formal written resignation as well.

Another one of the many things that you do not want to do, when looking to resign from your current position, is bad mouth your bosses to others, including your friends, coworkers, or during future job interviews.  You need to make sure that you do not “burn any bridges.”  This is extremely important, as you never know when your words or your actions may come back to haunt you.  You will want to ensure that your current employer, the one in which you no longer want to work for, is able to give you a glowing recommendation for years to come.

Another one of the many things that you will not want to do is “go out with a bang.”  Even if you are quitting your job because you are unhappy with your pay or with your boss or other coworkers, you will want to leave as quietly as possible.  You will want to put a happy smile on your face, no matter what your real emotions are.  As previously stated, you will want to ensure that you able to use your current employer as a job reference for years to come. You also need to remember that you never know when you may come into contact with your bosses or coworkers in the future.

It is also important that you do not try and mislead your current employer in any way, shape, or form.  If you are not planning to quit your job until you have a new one lined up, you will want to proceed with caution. You will want to make sure that your prospective employers will not contact your currently employer asking for a reference.  To prevent this from happening, you may want to inform all prospective employers that you have yet to submit your resignation or submit your resignation before you start applying for new jobs.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to submit your resignation without causing any harm to your finances or your good name.  In all honesty, all you really need to do is just use your best judgment, as it is usually the best guide to follow.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Relocating for Your Job

Have you recently been asked by your employer to relocate?  If you have been, you are not alone.  Each year, thousands of individuals are asked about relocating by their employers.  In today’s society, many companies are finding it difficult and costly to run a business. This is what leads many companies to consider downsizing or moving their headquarters to areas in which it is cheaper to operate a business.  With this common occurrence, you may find yourself being asked by your employer to relocate.

If you have been asked by your employer to relocate, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed.  One of the best ways to determine if relocating for your job is the right decision for you is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of relocation. These advantages and disadvantages can make it easier for you to make the decision that is best for your needs and possibly the needs of your family.  Just a few of the many advantages and disadvantages to relocating that you may want to take into consideration are outlined below.

Perhaps, the greatest advantage to relocating for a job is the fact that you are able to keep your job.  While circumstances may vary, you will often find that you are given three choices when asked to relocate. Those three choices often include accepting the relocation offer, quitting your job, or being fired or laid off.  If you have been faced with these choices, you may want to seriously consider relocating, as it will enable you to keep your job and often your current position, pay, and seniority as well.

Another one of the many advantages to relocating for a job is a fresh start.  Many times, families or individuals just need a chance to start over.  If you or your family are currently unhappy with where you live or life in general, a change may do you good.  It is also important to mention cost of living.  To save money, many companies make the decision to relocate in areas that are known for their low or affordable cost of living.  This is what can enable them to save money.  This low or affordable cost of living may also make it easier, as well as more affordable for you to go about buying a new home and so forth.

Although a fresh start may sound nice for a large number of individuals, it doesn’t mean that it is right for everyone, like you or your family. Relocating may be difficult or even impossible for you to do if you have a spouse who is currently employed or if you have a teenager is satisfied with their current school and friends.  These are all factors to consider.  With that in mind, relocation isn’t a decision that you should make on your own, especially if you have a family.  It is a decision that should involve everyone who would be impacted, in one way or another, with relocation.

The cost of relocation is another disadvantage or downside to doing so.  With that in mind, it is advised that you speak with your employer about assistance.  If you aren’t given a choice or if your employer wants to keep you on their team, you may be able to get financial assistance for relocating.  This financial assistance, if it is offered, will likely vary, but you should be able to get assistance with the hiring of a moving company, as well as the cost of gasoline or airline tickets to your new destination.  Even if financial assistance for relocating is not offered, it would not hurt for you to at least inquire about it.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration if you are ever given the opportunity to relocate.  As a reminder, the decision to relocate is one that should be made in conjunction with you, your employer, as well as your family.

Spontaneous Job Interviews: What You Should Do

Are you in search of a job?  If you are, there is a good chance that you will enter a number of local establishments, retail or not, to submit a job application or your resume.  Many professionals recommend submitting job applications and resumes in person whenever possible.  In most instances, you will have your resume accepted and you will be told that you will be contacted for a job interview in the future. However, you may receive a spontaneous job interview in some instances.  If and when that time comes, do you know what you should do?

Before focusing on what you should do or how you should handle spontaneous job interviews, it is first important that you familiarize yourself with them.  Spontaneous job interviews come in a number of different formats.  For instance, a manager may ask you to come in for a job interview that that day or the following day. Although you are given some notice, many are unable to prepare as much as they would have liked to for an interview that is scheduled right away. Speaking of right away, you may also find yourself having a job interview right on the spot.  This is not uncommon, especially in retail.  Essentially, a spontaneous job interview is one that is schedule at the last minute or without a large notice.

As nice as last minute or spontaneous job interviews are, they can be scary and overwhelming for many. With that mind, you should know that there are both a number of advantages and disadvantages to spontaneous or last minute job interviews. One of those benefits is the need.  If an employer is looking to interview you right on the spot or if they are looking to set up a job interview as soon as possible, there is a good chance that they need to hire an employee right away.  This vital need can significantly increase your chances of getting a job.  With that in mind, the biggest con or downside to spontaneous interviews or last minute job interviews is the lack of preparation.

Although spontaneous or last minute job interviews do make preparation difficult, there are a number of steps that you can take to prepare for them, just in case. For starters, you may want to ensure that you are properly dressed.  Even if you are just submitting your job application or your resume, you will want to make sure that your appearance is professional in nature, especially if you are submitting your resume or job application in person.  A manager who decided to offer you a job interview right away should expect you to be a little bit unprepared, but why not take a few extra steps, like putting on a nice outfit, to show them that you can be prepared for just about anything.

As previously stated, many job seekers prefer spontaneous or last minute job interviews, while others tend to fear them.  To prepare for the possibility of a spontaneous or a last minute job interview, you will want to take the time to do a little bit of preparation.  This preparation may involve having a mock interview with your friends or family members, using the internet to research common job interview questions and so forth.  Taking a few minutes or a few hours, at the most, to prepare for a job interview, even if one has yet to be scheduled, will do no harm.  In fact, it is likely that you would take these approaches later on, so why not get a little bit of a head start with doing so?

The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when you decide to submit your resume or your job application in person.  As nerve-wracking as last minute or spontaneous job interviews can be, you will want to refrain from turning any down, as they can, literally, be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Should You Use the Internet to Help You Find a Job?

Have you recently decided that you would like to change jobs?  If you would like to seek employment elsewhere, you will want to start examining job listings right away.  In fact, the sooner the better.

When it comes to applying for jobs, you will find that you have a number of different options.  One of those options involves the internet.  Unfortunately, when it comes to job searching online, many are afraid to do so or are even unsure as to how they should proceed.  If you are wondering if you should use the internet to help you find a job, the answer is yes.

As previously stated, you have a number of different options when it comes to finding and applying for jobs. What is nice about the internet is that it, alone, gives you an unlimited number of options.  Did you know that there are multiple ways that you can go about using the internet to research companies that may or may not be hiring, as well as ways to examine online job listings?

One of the easiest ways that you can use the internet to your advantage, when looking to find a new job, is by visiting online websites that are commonly referred to as career search websites.  Career search websites are websites that enable you to browse, as well as search through a large databank of job openings.  Most career search websites also enable you to search for a particular job, such as a retail manager, as well search in or around particular cites, like your place of residence.  Career job searching websites can easily be found with standard internet searches.

In addition to career search websites, you may also be able to use websites that are commonly referred to as job posting websites. These websites are similar to career search websites, but not all will allow you to search for specific jobs in specific areas.  What is nice about job posting websites is that not only companies post their job openings.  Occasionally, you will find posts made by other internet users outlining an interesting job listing that they came across online. Although the job listing may not be directly from the company in question, you are often provided with the proper contact information.

You can also use the internet to find jobs to apply for by visiting the online websites of local businesses.  You can easily find these online websites by performing a standard internet search. Your standard internet search should include the names of each business, as well as the city or state that they are located in. Should the businesses in question have online websites, you will want to look for career or employment sections.  It is common for businesses with online websites to list any job openings that they have, as well as provide information on those jobs and how you can go about applying for them.

As with anything that you do online, you are also advised to proceed with caution when searching for career opportunities online.  Unfortunately, internet scams are on the rise. It is possible to find internet scams that are focused on employment opportunities. For that reason, you will want to know as much as you can about each and every company that you decide to submit a job application or an online resume to, especially if you are being asked to provide your social security number. If you have never, personally, heard of the company in question before, you may want to research them online.  If you still come up empty handed, it may be a wise decision to move onto other job listings.

The Importance of Doing Research Before Changing Jobs

Are you currently employed, but unhappy with your current job?  Whether you are unsatisfied with your current pay level or feel as if you are unable to advance within your company, you may be interested in changing jobs or possibly even careers.  If that is the case, you are urged not to act on an impulse, as doing so can create more harm that good.

Should you be interested in changing jobs or careers, there are a number of important points that you will want to take into consideration, before you take action. These points can help to ensure that you are able to easily and effectively change jobs, without causing any harm to your good name or your finances.  A few of the many points that you will want to keep in mind are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the most important points to examine is the current job outlook in or around your area.  This is important, as it can have an impact on your ability to change careers or find a new job.  Another one of the many reasons why it is important to first examine the job outlook for your area is because once many individuals decide that they would like to have a career change or a job change they go right ahead and do so.  If you rely on your current job to support yourself and your family, you will want to try and refrain from outright quitting your current job without a new one in place.

As ideal as it is to hear that you may want to keep your current job while trying to find a new job at the same time, you may be curious as to how it is even possible to do. While it may require a lot of hard work and tough scheduling, it is more than possible for you to do so.  In fact, you may want to consider giving your employer your notice, if the job outlook in your area is enough to give you hope.  With that in mind, you may want to consider giving more notice than the traditional two weeks. This can help buy yourself time, as well give your employer ample opportunity to find your replacement. This may also give you the opportunity to take off time for job interviews.  However, if you feel uncomfortable taking this approach, it is advised that you use sick time or vacation time to attend any upcoming job interviews you are able to land.

The above mentioned tips can help you if you are looking to change jobs; however, if you are looking to change careers there are more points that you will want to take into consideration.  One of those points is the needed training and experience.  For example, if you are currently working as a secretary and if your dream job involves working as a nurse, have you attended nursing school?  If you have yet to do so, you may be unable to find a job in the field of nursing or even healthcare for that matter.  Although this does seem like common sense, it is a scenario that many hopeful job seekers fail to take into consideration.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many points that you will want to take into consideration, before you decide to automatically go ahead and change jobs or change careers.  In all honesty, it is advised that you use your best judgment.  Never assume that you will land a new job until you are actually offered it and never count on being awarded job that you are unqualified for.  Using your best judgment is the perfect way to find a new job or career, but without hurting your good name and your finances.

Should You Turn to Your State’s Labor Department to Help You Find a Job?

Are you in need of a job?  Whether you are currently unemployed or if you are looking to change jobs or careers, you may be in need of a new job. Although it is more than possible for you to find and apply for jobs on your own, you may want to think about seeking assistance. For many individuals, that assistance means hiring the services of a recruiter, but did you know that you may be able to get assistance through your state’s labor department.

In the United States, all states have what is referred to as a labor department. This labor department is able to assist individuals, just like you, with a number of work related issues. One of those issues involves finding employment.  If you are unsure as to how you should proceed, with finding and applying for jobs, or if you have been unsuccessful with finding jobs in the past, you may want to consider seeking assistance from your state’s labor department.

One of the many benefits to seeking assistance from your state’s labor department is the options that you have.  In all honesty, these options will all depend on the state in which you reside in. For instance, in New York State, you can visit your local labor offices or you can use their online job searching website.  The ability to use an online website is ideal, especially if you are currently employed, as you may be unable to visit your state’s labor offices during the daytime.

Another one of the many benefits to seeking assistance from your state’s labor department is the job bank they have.  Job bank is a term that is regularly used to describe the number of job openings that the state has access to. You may be surprised with what you find.  Many employers, especially those that are locally owned and operated, choose to only advertise their openings through a state labor department.  What does this mean for you?  It means that you may search high and low and still be unable to come across the same job openings that the your state’s department of labor can help you find.

Another one of the many benefits to using the assistance of your state’s labor department is an increased chance in being awarded a job.  Once again, you will find that it all depends on the state in which you reside; however, you will find that if you apply for jobs through your state’s labor department, you aren’t able to apply for just any job.  One of the many reasons why employers trust the judgment of most labor departments is because they tend to only send qualified applicants in for interviews.  This increases your chances of being awarded a job, as you are less likely to spend your time applying for jobs that you may not be the perfect candidate for.

If you are interested in seeing what your state’s labor department can do for you, you are advised to do so, as you really have nothing to lose.  Most states offer free assistance to those seeking employment within their state or county lines.  You can easily find the contact information for your local department of labor offices by using the internet, namely a standard internet search, or by using your local telephone book.

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