About Avery Partners

Avery Partners provides affordable knowledge and expertise in the IT, Finance / Accounting, and Healthcare sectors. Services include: Project Management, Human Capital Outsourcing, Management Consulting, and Staff Augmentation. The company has national capabilities and currently operates in over 20 states. We can reduce costs, eliminate hassles, increase service levels, and add value to each function we touch.

Should You Follow-Up On a Job Interview?

Are you in the process of finding a new job?  If you are, you may have job interviews already lined up. In fact, you may have already had a number of job interviews take place.  If that is the case, did you follow up with the interviewer or the employer in question?  If follow-up contact, such as a telephone call, is an action that you have yet to take, you may want to examine your options.

When it comes to determining whether or not you should follow-up on all job interviews that you have had, like with a quick office visit or telephone call, there are many job seekers who are unsure as to how they should proceed.  Since many are unsure of the action that they should take, many just do nothing.  If you would like help in determining what you should do after attending a job interview, you will want to continue reading on, as a number of advantages and disadvantages to job interview follow ups are outlined below.

As for the advantage to follow-ups with the employer or interviewer in question, you will find that there are a number of them.  One of those advantages is the impression that you can create of yourself.  Checking to see how the selection process is coming along or if you can answer any additional questions is a great way to show that you are truly interested in the open job position.  It also shows initiative on your part.  This is something that many companies look for in their new hires.

Another one of the many advantages to following up after a job interview is the answers that you may get.  If the employer in question has yet official make a decision, but your name is still in the running, you may be told to call back later or wait for a phone call, which should arrive when a decision has been made.  On the other hand, if it has been determined that you are not the right candidate for the job, you may be notified of this when you make your first contact attempt.  This notification is ideal as it encourages you to explore your other options without wasting any precious time.

Although there are a number of advantages to following up after a job interview, you will also find that there are a number of disadvantages to doing so as well.  As previously stated, an interview follow-up may help to create a good impression of yourself. What you need to know, however, is that this impression can work both ways.  Some employers view follow-up phone calls as unnecessary distractions.  If you were told to wait until you heard from the company, you will want refrain from making any follow-up contact, as your actions can have negative results.

The above mentioned advantages and disadvantages are just a few of the many to job interview follow-ups. As previously stated, you will want to try and make sure that you follow the advice or instructions given to you by each employer or interviewer.  This means that if you are asked to refrain from making contact, you will want to do so. It is also advised that you avoid calling during known busy times, such as lunch or right before the workday ends.

Should You Hire a Professional Resume Writer?

A professional resume writer could help you land your next job

Are you in the process of trying to get a new job?  If you are, you will likely come across numerous job listings that you would like to apply for.  When applying for a job, you are almost always required to submit a copy of your resume. When it comes to submitting a resume for a job, it is advised that your resume be professional in nature.  A professional resume is one that will up your chances of getting the job of your dreams.

When it comes to submitting a professional resume, there are many job seekers who wonder if they should hire the services of a professional resume writer.  As you likely already know a professional resume writer is often a freelancer writer, but one who specializes in writing professional resumes.  Many professional resume writers have a degree or years of experience with creating professional resumes.  In all honesty, the decision as to whether or not you want to hire the services of a professional resume writer is yours to make, but there are a number of benefits to doing so.

As it was previously mentioned, many professional resume writers have training and experience.  Not all, but many freelance writers have a degree or at least some schooling that is either related to journalism or English.  You may also find some professional resume writers who have some freelance writing experience, but who have also worked as hiring managers or company representatives.  Perhaps, these types of professionals are the best ones to do business with, as they can not only write professional resumes, but they also often know what hiring employers look for in a resume.

Another one of the many benefits to hiring a professional resume writer is the work that you will have to do.  Of course, you will need to be in communication with your hired resume writer, as they need to gather information on your work history and education, but that is about it.  After the needed information has been obtained, you pretty much just need to review your resume and submit payment for it.  If you are inexperienced with writing or resumes in general, it could literally take you days or even weeks to get your resume exactly the way that you want it.  In fact, there are many who never get their resumes “exactly,” how they want them, so many just end up settling with what they have.  When doing business with a professional resume writer, you don’t have to settle for second best; you should always be given the best service and the best results available.  In fact, many professional resume writers have satisfaction guaranteed policies.

The only downside to hiring the services of a professional resume writer is the cost of one.  However, it is important to remember that there are an unlimited number of professional resume writers to choose from, especially if you use the internet to examine all of your options.  This means that you should be able to find a number of professional resume writers, many of which who have affordable rates.  Of course, it is important that you don’t go too cheap, as you want to make sure that you get professional results.  Spending fifty or one hundred dollars on a professional resume writer really isn’t that bad of a deal, especially when a professional resume writer may be able to get you a higher paying job.

It is also important to mention your competition. When applying for a job, there is a good chance that you will not be the only applicant.  Many jobs, especially those advertised online, receive hundreds and sometimes even thousands of applicants.  Out of all of those applicants, you would actually be surprised to see how many do not use the services of a professional resume writer.  In fact, you may be surprised with how many applicants turn in resumes that were never even proofread.  Hiring the services of a professional resume writer will give your resume a professional look and feel; a look and feel that most hiring employers want to see.

Should You Pay to Get Access to Job Listings?

Don't waste your money paying for job listings

Are you in need of a new job?  If you are currently unemployed, you may actually be desperate for a job, especially if you have a family to support or bills that need to be paid. When it comes to finding job listings, especially online, you may find many websites that want you to pay to gain access to their information.  The only question is should you?

When it comes to paying for job listings, the decision is yours to make, but it is important that you know that you don’t have to do so. There are a number of different ways that you can get access to an unlimited number of job listings free of charge.  As previously stated, the decision as to whether or not you want to pay to gain access to job listings is yours to make, but you are advised against paying for information that you should be able to get free of charge.

If you would like to avoid having to pay for job listings, you are advised to do a standard internet search, to see if any of your local newspapers have online websites or to find a recruiting company.  In today’s society, where the popularity of the internet has reached an all time high, even small town newspapers are starting to have online newspaper editions.  These online editions may include an employment section.  You are advised to check out any local newspaper websites that you can find online.  It is also advised that you look to see if they are the same job listings as the ones that are in the printed newspaper.  If they are not, you may want to think about spending the few cents it costs to buy a newspaper and also examine those job listings.

There are also websites, which can be found online, that are sometimes referred to as careering hunting or job hunting websites.  Two of these websites include Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com.  These websites and many other similar ones are free to use and register for.  They not only allow you to search through available job listings and apply for any jobs that you want to, but may also allow you to post your resume on their systems.  By doing this, employers, who are looking for applicants themselves, are able to come across your resume, without you actually having to apply for the job.

Many of the online websites that request that you pay to gain access to their information don’t always allow you to apply for the jobs in question directly through their websites, like most career hunting or job hunting websites do.  Sometimes, you aren’t even given information on to how contact the company in question!  This is because these types of websites, the ones that want you to pay, unlike the above mentioned career hunting or job hunting websites, do not work directly with hiring employers.

As a reminder, the decision as to whether or not you want to pay for job listings is yours to make, but you are advised against doing so. In fact, what you may not realize is that some of the websites that ask you to pay to gain access to their information are like scams.  Many of these individuals running these websites find the information for their sites online, without paying a dime.  With a small amount of time and work, you should be able to do the same.  When it comes to paying for job listings, the only time that you should so is if you decide to buy a newspaper.

Should You Turn to Your State’s Labor Department to Help You Find a Job?

The state can help you with your job search

Are you in need of a job?  Whether you are currently unemployed or if you are looking to change jobs or careers, you may be in need of a new job. Although it is more than possible for you to find and apply for jobs on your own, you may want to think about seeking assistance. For many individuals, that assistance means hiring the services of a recruiter, but did you know that you may be able to get assistance through your state’s labor department.

In the United States, all states have what is referred to as a labor department. This labor department is able to assist individuals, just like you, with a number of work related issues. One of those issues involves finding employment.  If you are unsure as to how you should proceed, with finding and applying for jobs, or if you have been unsuccessful with finding jobs in the past, you may want to consider seeking assistance from your state’s labor department.

One of the many benefits to seeking assistance from your state’s labor department is the options that you have.  In all honesty, these options will all depend on the state in which you reside in. For instance, in New York State, you can visit your local labor offices or you can use their online job searching website.  The ability to use an online website is ideal, especially if you are currently employed, as you may be unable to visit your state’s labor offices during the daytime.

Another one of the many benefits to seeking assistance from your state’s labor department is the job bank they have.  Job bank is a term that is regularly used to describe the number of job openings that the state has access to. You may be surprised with what you find.  Many employers, especially those that are locally owned and operated, choose to only advertise their openings through a state labor department.  What does this mean for you?  It means that you may search high and low and still be unable to come across the same job openings that the your state’s department of labor can help you find.

Another one of the many benefits to using the assistance of your state’s labor department is an increased chance in being awarded a job.  Once again, you will find that it all depends on the state in which you reside; however, you will find that if you apply for jobs through your state’s labor department, you aren’t able to apply for just any job.  One of the many reasons why employers trust the judgment of most labor departments is because they tend to only send qualified applicants in for interviews.  This increases your chances of being awarded a job, as you are less likely to spend your time applying for jobs that you may not be the perfect candidate for.

If you are interested in seeing what your state’s labor department can do for you, you are advised to do so, as you really have nothing to lose.  Most states offer free assistance to those seeking employment within their state or county lines.  You can easily find the contact information for your local department of labor offices by using the internet, namely a standard internet search, or by using your local telephone book.

The Importance of Politeness When Dealing with Prospective Employers

Always be polite during the interview process

Are you looking to find a new job?  If you are, you will likely come into contact with a number of different individuals, likely from a number of different companies.  No matter whom you are dealing with, it is important that you are polite at all times.  For more information on the importance of politeness, when dealing with prospective employers, you will want to read on.

One of the best ways to understand the importance of politeness is to put yourself in someone else’s place.  For starters, imagine yourself as the hiring manager for a local retail store.  If you were to come into contact with two job applicants, one of which who responded with “please” and “thank you,” and another that acted as if speaking to you was just a waste of their time, which individual would you be more likely to hire?  It is likely that you would respond with the candidate who was polite.  It is no secret that employers do not want to hire those who are impolite or have bad matters.

One of the many reasons why it is important for companies to hire polite and compassionate people is because their employees can either make or break their business.  This is particularly true when direct customer contact is required.  In keeping with the retail setting, retailers want and need employees who are warm, welcoming, and inviting.  An employee with a poor attitude can cause customers to take their business elsewhere. That is why it is important to be polite when dealing with all prospective employers, no matter which type of industry you are interested in working in.

It is also important to mention that you should be polite at all times and to whomever you come into contact with. Unfortunately, many job seekers make this mistake.  Many mistakenly believe that the only person they need to impress is the individual conducting the job interview.  Yes, most of your focus and politeness should be focused on your job interview, but you need to keep other instances in mind.  For instance, should you drop off a job application or a resume, it is advised that you greet the acceptor in a pleasant and positive matter.  It is not uncommon for some employees to pass word on to their supervisors about poor experiences they had with those dropping off applications or resumes.

Should you receive a call asking to schedule an interview, there is a good chance that the supervisor conducting the interview will not be the one on the telephone with you.  Often times assistants or secretaries handles these types of scheduling issues.  This is something that shouldn’t impact your behavior or demeanor when speaking to the individual in question though.  That is why it important that you are polite to whomever you may be speaking with on the phone.  Whether you dealing with a secretary or an assistant manager, it is advised that you are polite as possible.  Answering another telephone call, not saying “thank you,” or quickly ending the phone call can land you in hot water.

The above mentioned scenarios are a few of the many situations in which it is important to be polite when looking for a job.  As a reminder, politeness comes in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles.  In most cases, saying “please,” and “thank you,” should be enough for those of importance to take notice.

A Resume Reference Guide

You need a professional resume

Are you in the process of finding a new job or changing careers?  If you are, you may also be in the process of creating a resume for yourself.  Although resumes can be complicated and nerve-wracking to develop, they are usually a lot easier to write than originally thought.  With that in mind, there are still many problems or complications that arise. For many resume writers that problem has to do with references.

On your resume, there is a good chance that you will list references.  These references can typically come in two different formats. These formats are personal references and professional references. You will find that many employers actually like to see a combination of them both.  Also, on average, most hiring companies like to see at least three references on their job applications and resumes.

Now that you know what many companies look for, in terms of references on a resume, you may want to start listing your references right away. While this approach is one that you can take, you may want to proceed with caution. As previously stated, one of the many mistakes that resume writers make involves their references.  Some of the most common mistakes, as well as ways to prevent those mistakes from happening, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker, possibly just like you, makes involves listing no references at all.  If you are simply submitting your resume, you may be able to get away without having any references listed, but you may not want to take any chances.  If you are currently still lining up your references, you may want to have the phrases “references available upon request,” under the heading of references on your resume.  Should you fill out a job application and are asked to provide references; you will want to do so.  Omitting information on a job application may cause your application to be overlooked.

Another mistake that many job seekers make, in terms of their resume references, is not asking to use a reference in the first place.  In almost all cases, you will find that your references are checked.  That is why it is important that you ask each individual that you would like to have listed on a resume or a job application before officially listing them as a reference.  If you have already submitted your job application and resume, without asking first, you will want to let each individual know, as soon as possible, that you used them as a job reference and that they may be receiving a phone call.  This is important, as you do not want your references to be caught off guard, as it may impact their responses.

As previously stated, most companies like to see a combination of professional and personal references on their job applications and on all submitted resumes.  This is a mistake that many job seekers also make and one that you will want to not make.  For that reason, you may want to consider listing four references on your job applications or resumes.  This would allow you to have an even number of personal references and professional references.

The above mentioned mistakes are common mistakes that many job seekers make when writing a resume for themselves. By keeping these common mistakes in mind, you can ensure that you do not make similar ones.  This should automatically improve your chances of landing the job of your dreams or at least a job interview.

5 Tips When Working with Recruiters

Tips for working with recruiters

As you probably already know recruiters usually have the best jobs in the market, the ones that are not posted. The ones only the recruiter can get because of his or her relationship with the client.

A good recruiter can be worth more than GOLD to a client company. Most CEO’s will tell you they are only as good as their people. Ever get frustrated with recruiters not calling you back or following up after you have submitted your resume? Want to get noticed?

The facts are that recruiters are commission driven and they work on what they think can close fast. It’s just the nature of the business; if recruiters don’t get people hired then they don’t eat. Sure some companies pay base salary’s but that is for rent not food.

If you want to get the attention and get noticed then you haft to be willing to help the process along.

1. Tailor your resume to fit the jobs you are applying for, make sure not to embellish your skills or experience but do highlight those things that are relevant to the job you are seeking.

2. Be a squeaky wheel but not annoying. Supply reference and recommendation letters without being asked.

3. Create a capabilities statement (sell yourself).

4. Give the recruiter a list of companies that you would like to work for or at least the type of companies that have the job you seek.

Recruiters are well connected and you might trigger a past contact by mentioning the company. The more information you supply the better, the recruiters may have the client contacts but you have the knowledge and skill set.

5. Bottom line: make the recruiters want to represent you. Recruiters want someone who can get the job and will not waste their time on candidates that don’t have their act together; most of them will tell you if they don’t have anything that fits your background.

These are just 5 tips you can use when working with recruiters.  If you would like to speak with one of our recruiters please contact us.

As always I look forward to your comments and questions.

How to Create the Perfect Cover Letter

Write a perfect cover letter to stand out

Are you in the process of finding and applying for jobs?  If you are, you may be ready to send out your resume to companies that are hiring.  Before you send out your resume or resumes, you will want to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume.  For starters, are you even using a cover letter?

If you are currently not using a cover letter, you will want to refrain from sending out your resume, at least right away.  Many businesses expect to receive cover letters attached to all resumes.  In fact, many now require them. If you are unsure as to how you can go about creating the perfect resume or at least one that can benefit you, you will want to continue reading on.

When it comes to creating the perfect cover letter, there are a number of important factors to take into consideration.  One of those factors is the job that you are applying for and the wishes of that company. It is common for some employers to list exactly what they want cover letters to include.  If you are given a sample or directions, you are advised to follow them.  Not following instructions can result in your resume, as well as your cover letter ending up in the “don’t call,” pile.

As previously stated, a company may have their own preferences as to what they would like cover letters to include. This is because no two companies are truly the same.  That is why it is advised that you do not use the same cover letter for each resume that you send out.  Instead, you will want to create and distribute different cover letters for each employer that you have. You can have a sample cover letter or a template to use, but it is advised that you take the time to personalize each cover letter in one way or another.

Speaking of personalizing your cover letter, you will want to personalize each cover letter that you send out to the jobs that you are applying for and the companies in which you are sending your resume to.  For instance, if you are applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want to plainly state that position. This will automatically set you apart from a good percentage of your competition.  Customizing each of your cover letters to the particular job that you are applying for is a great way to get yourself noticed, as you took a few extra steps not necessarily required.

Another one of the many ways that you can create the perfect cover letter for yourself is by being short and to the point. With that in mind, you will not want to be too short either.  A cover letter should be at least three paragraphs and you should try and keep all cover letters under one page long.  It is advised that you do not use any colored fonts, as black ink should do.  It is also advised that you do not use any colored paper for your resume cover letter.  Some job seekers mistakenly believe that this catches the eye of those in charge of scheduling job interviews.  Yes, it may, but not always in the ways that you had hoped for.

As for what you should include in your cover letter, it is advised that you list a few of your skills and qualifications.  It is also important to keep this portion of your cover letter short and to the point.  Your resume will go into further detail, but it is still advised that you quickly outline the qualifications and skills that you have.  Be sure to focus on those that apply directly to the job that you are applying for.  For example, if you are applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want to summarize your computer software knowledge, typing skills, transcription skills, and so forth.

The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when making a cover letter for yourself.  In all honesty, any cover letter is better than no cover letter at all, but with cover letters being relatively easy to create, why take the chance.

What to Do Before You Start Job Hunting

What to do before you go job hunting

Are you currently unemployed? If you are, there is a good chance that you may be looking for a new job.  Even if you are not unemployed, you may still be interested in finding a new job, like one that gives you more pleasure or one that pays better.  When it comes to finding a new job, you will end up embarking on a journey that is often referred to as job hunting.  Although your first thought may to be start finding job listings right away, you are advised against doing so. There are actually a number of things that you will first want to do.

Before you start job hunting, it is advised that you create a plan for yourself.  For instance, do you know what type of job you would like to have?  If you are unemployed and need a job to pay your bills or support your family, the type of job you want to have may not play as big of a role as it would if you were searching for a job better than the one that you currently have.  Even if you are considered desperate, when it comes to finding a job, it is still advised that you take the time to consider what type of job you would like to have. When making your determination, it is important that you be realistic. For instance, if you only have a high school diploma, a job as a doctor or a teacher isn’t doable, at least not without first furthering your education.

It is also advised that you develop a plan for yourself, when it actually comes time to find a job.  For instance, when looking for a job, you will want to be on the lookout for job listings.  Job listings are often described as small write-ups, like a paragraph or two, that outline a position that applications are currently being accepted for. When it comes to finding job listings, you will see that you have a number of different options. For instance, job listings can be found online or in the employment section of most newspapers.  Others learn about jobs through career counseling centers, word of mouth, and so forth. Developing a plan for yourself, one that outlines exactly how you can go about finding available job positions, is the best way to ensure that your job hunting time is wisely spent.

If you decide to search for job listings by using your local newspaper, most of the job listings that you come across will likely be for local companies.  If you choose to use the internet, you may be able to come across job listings that are for local opportunities, as well as long distance ones. Before you start searching for jobs, it is advised that you decide whether or not you would be willing to relocate to work.  When it comes to relocating, there are some instances, where you may only be required to relocate a few states away and others where you may be required to relocate all the way across the country.  Since relocation can actually play an important role in finding a job, it is important that you examine your ability to relocate or your desire to ahead of time.

Once you have an idea as to what type of job you would like to have or whether or not you would be interested in relocating, you should have a better idea as to what type of job listings you should be on the lookout for. Still, before you start searching, you may want to think about creating a resume for yourself, if you haven’t ready done so.  Many job listings will be seen by hundreds, if not thousands, of hopeful applicants, just like you.  Having a resume all prepared and ready to go will allow you act fast and possibly beat out some of your competition.

Finding a new job is a process that may take time, but it is one that shouldn’t cause you too much worry, time, or stress. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, your job hunting journey will likely go off without a hitch.

How to Spot Employment Scams

Watch for Employment Scams

Are you looking for a new job?  If you are, you may be using the internet or your local newspaper to find job listings.  Although the internet and local newspapers are a great way to find up-to-date job listings, you also need to be on the lookout for scams.  There is such a thing as an employment scam.  The good news is that many employment scams are easy to spot, especially when you know what to look for.

When it comes to being on the lookout for employment scams, it is extremely important that you remember employment scams are not only found online.  While these scams are more common online, many employment scams are making their way to local newspapers, possibly even your local newspaper. That is why you always need to be on the lookout for employment scams; you should never let your guard down.

As for spotting an employment scam, which is also commonly referred to as a job listing scam, there are a number of points that you will want to be on the lookout for.  Perhaps, the biggest red flag is when you are required to putdown a deposit to apply for a job or to get hired.  If you are thinking that it is suspicious, you are right.  Many people are so desperate for a job that they don’t realize that they shouldn’t have to pay to work; it should actually be the other way around.  No matter what excuses you are given, like that your deposit would be used to process your application or pay for your training materials, do not fall for it.  Under no circumstances should you pay an employer to let you work for them.

Another easy way that you can spot an employment scam is by examining the information given to you in a job listing.  For instance, most legitimate business opportunities or job listings will be full of information. Whether the job listing is for a local job or work-at-home job, you should be able to get information on the type of job available, a little bit of background information on the company in question, qualifications needed, as well as information on how to go about applying for the job.  Employment scams often provide as little information as possible.  You will want to be on the lookout for job listings just that encourage you to “act fact, as only five more positions available,” or something else along those lines.  Never apply for a job without knowing exactly what you would be doing first.

One of the reasons why you are advised against apply for a job that you don’t really know much about is because many job applications request your social security number.  Your social security number in the wrong hands can result in a bad, costly situation.  The requesting of a blank check, for direct deposit, is another red flag that you should be able to spot.  If you are hired to work for a well-known company, one that is either local or online, direct deposit is okay, but you should never signup for direct deposit because you are required to do so, especially if you are trying a new work-at-home opportunity.

The above mentioned red flags are red flags that you should always be on the lookout for and avoid.  In all honesty, you may be able to search for and find legitimate job opportunities or examine a large number of job listings without every coming across an employment scam, but it is still best if you are prepared for it all.

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