About Avery Partners

Avery Partners provides affordable knowledge and expertise in the IT, Finance / Accounting, and Healthcare sectors. Services include: Project Management, Human Capital Outsourcing, Management Consulting, and Staff Augmentation. The company has national capabilities and currently operates in over 20 states. We can reduce costs, eliminate hassles, increase service levels, and add value to each function we touch.

How to Find Career Fairs

How to find Career Fair's

Are you interested in applying for a new job, are you trying to find employment, or are you looking for a career change? If you are, you are advised to attend career fairs, as they are one of the best places to gather information on who is hiring, what type of jobs are available, and what type of qualifications are needed.  In fact, career fairs are also a great way to apply for jobs.  While career fairs are nice to attend, they can sometimes be difficult to find.

Before outlining exactly how you can go about finding career fairs, it is important that you first know exactly what they are. Career fairs are events that are almost always open to the general public and held in public locations, like shopping malls. Although career fairs can vary, most employer participants set up their own tables or booths.  These booths are often accompanied by printed information, brochures, or pictures about the company in question.  Each booth is often staffed with a couple of company representatives; representatives who are able to accept applications or resumes, as well as answer any questions that job seekers may have.

Now that you know what career fairs are, you may be wondering exactly how you can go about finding them.  When it comes to finding a career fair, one of the best things that you can do is keep your eyes and your ears open.  For instance, many of the career fairs that are hosted in shopping centers are advertised weeks or sometimes even months in advance. Since career fairs are commonly held in local shopping centers, you are advised to always be on the lookout for any career fair signs or banners.  If you are unable to visit your local shopping center or other public establishments, you can always trying calling them once a month or so to see if any career fairs are scheduled for the future.

Career fairs are often advertised in local newspapers as well. While information about a career fair may appear in different newspaper sections, it is common to find information about them in the employment section of a newspaper.  Although it isn’t as common as newspaper advertisements, many career fairs are also advertised online.  If you have access to any local business websites or message boards, you may be able to find information on an upcoming career fair.

Community boards are another way that career fair organizers go about advertising their upcoming career fairs.  Since most career fairs are planned months in advance, many organizers have the time to go around the neighborhood and hang-up signs.  Many career fairs are advertised on college campus community bulletin boards.  Businesses where those looking for work are likely to hang out may also have bulletin boards that may have information on available job openings or career fairs.  These types of businesses tend to include restaurants or coffee houses.

You are also advised to contact your local career center, which is sometimes referred to as a career counseling center. These types of centers are where you should be able to receive assistance with finding a job.  Most career centers are staffed with those who are educated on the art of finding, applying for, and landing a job.  If you do have a local career center in or around your community, they are often the first ones to know about an upcoming career fair. That is why it is advised that you contact your local career center to ask if they know about any upcoming career fairs.  If they do, be sure to get the important information, like when and where.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to find and attend any career fairs that happen in or around your place of residence.  For the best chance of success, when attending a career fair, make sure that you bring multiple copies of your resume, dress for success, and be prepared for an onsite interview, because they do occasionally happen.

Questions to Ask Potential Employers During Interviews

Questions to Ask during a Job Interview

Have you been searching for a new job?  If you are like many job seekers, you may have turned to the internet or used your local newspaper’s employment section to help you learn about all open jobs in or around your area. If you have submitted a job application or your resume to any companies, have you heard back from them yet?  If you have yet to receive a call asking to schedule an interview, do not worry, as you should be getting one or more soon.

For many job seekers, waiting to have a job interview scheduled is the most nerve-wracking part.  For others, the interview process is the most difficult to get through. If you are nervous about an upcoming interview or one that you will likely have scheduled soon, the best thing that you can do is prepare.  For example, it is advised that you prepare a list of questions to ask all interviewers.  These questions can help to improve the flow of a job interview.

In addition to helping improve the flow of a job interview, there are a number of other benefits to having a list of questions prepared to ask all companies that are in the process of interviewing you.  While this may seem a little silly, as you are the one who should be getting interviewed, you will want to ask anyways.  Asking questions during a job interview can create a great impression of yourself.  For instance, if you ask about the ability to advance within the company, you may end up showing responsibility, initiative, and readiness.

Now that you know the benefits of asking questions during your next interview, you may be curious as to which questions you would ask.  One of easiest questions that you can and should ask involves job duties and tasks. You will want to learn as much as you can about the position in which you are applying for.  Even if you were already given an overview of the job, you may want to ask additional questions.  These questions may include the busiest times of the day, will your workload increase after time, and so forth.

How much you can expect to make is another question that you may want to ask during a job interview, you but you need to be tricky about it. Some employers expect their interview subjects to ask about pay, but others will see that as a downside, as you may only be concerned with picking up a paycheck not becoming a team member.  If the supervisor handling your job interview does not state the average salary for the position that you are applying for you may want to ask.  However, remember to use the phrase “average salary,” as it tends to sound more professional than pay, money, or even paycheck.  This is also the time in which you may want to ask about other employee benefits, including health insurance or vacations.

Another one of the many questions that you will want to ask an employer during a job interview is if there is room for advancement.  If you are interesting in not only increasing your salary, but also increasing your position, you will want to work at a company that is known for their advancement, as well as their promotions from within.  In addition to determining if the company in question can possibly provide you with long-term employment, it can also help to create a good impression of yourself.  Asking about promotions and advancements shows that you are looking to be successful and successful is what most employers want.

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many questions that you may want to consider asking the individual or individuals who are hosting your job interview. To ensure that you are able to impress your interviewers, you may want to make a list of a few of the questions that you would like to ask in a job interview ahead of time.  Reviewing this list in the days or hours leading up to your job interview can be of great assistance to you.

The Benefits of Mock Interviews

Practice Interviewing in Front of a MirrorAre you currently unemployed and looking for a job?  Even if you are employed right now, are you looking to change jobs or careers?  If so, you may soon start examining all available job openings in your area, as well as submit job applications or resumes for those openings. With luck, you will soon find yourself with a number of scheduled interviews.

Speaking of job interviews, when was the last time that you had one?  If it has been awhile since your last job interview, you may want to consider doing a few practice runs. These practice runs are commonly referred to as mock interviews. Although mock interviews may seem a little bit silly, there are a number of benefits to doing them.

One of the benefit to doing mock interviews before a real job interview is your options.  Most job seekers try to use their friends and family members for practice.  If this an approach that you would like to take, you will want to have your partner ask you common job interview questions, such what your strengths and weaknesses are. Be sure to answer with professional responses, just as if you would in real job interview.  You can also do a mock interview in front of your mirror. While this approach isn’t as realistic, it can help you practice your intended interview questions.

Another one of the many benefits to doing mock interviews, before you have a real interview, is the practice that you will receive.  It is no secret that job interviews can be nerve-wracking.  Even if this isn’t your first job interview, they can still cause you nervousness. Many job seekers find that holding mock job interviews with their friends or family members helps to ease the nervousness often associated with job interviews.  In fact, many also have reported a slight increase in confidence.

Preparation is another one of the many benefits of mock interviews. The goal of a mock or practice interview is to help you prepare for an upcoming job interview. This preparation may include answering common interview questions in a timely matter, giving a proper greeting, as well as departing properly from a job interview.  If this is your first job interview or if you haven’t attend a job interview in awhile now, you may be unsure as to how the process will proceed.  Mock interviews are not only a great way to calm your nerves, but they can also give you guidance, which can help you sail through your next job interview like a breeze.

If you are able to do a mock interview with a close friend or family member, you may get a number of pointers.  Using other individuals, especially those who are known for their unbiased opinions is the best way to examine your job interview approach.  If your friends or family members have any suggestions, like tips on how you can improve your answers, you may want to consider their suggestions. In, fact, you may learn something new or important by doing a mock interview with your friends or family members.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to doing a mock interview with a close friend or family member.  As a reminder, it is also possible for you to practice in front of a mirror, but you may have the best luck with someone who can give you feedback or provide you with helpful suggestions.

Work Related Credit Checks: How to Handle Them If You Have a Poor Credit Score

Don't Let Bad Credit Keep You From Applying For Jobs

When many of us think of credit history, credit scores, or credit ratings, financial loans are often the first things that come to mind. While financial lenders are known for their regular use of credit checks, did you know that employers are also starting to perform credit checks on their new hires?  They are and if you are looking for a career change, this may have a negative impact on your ability to obtain the job of your dreams.

When it comes to employment and credit checks, you are either concerned or not concerned at all.  If you have a poor credit score, you may be unsure as to whether or not you should even apply for certain jobs. In the past, many financial institutions and insurance companies required credit checks, but now more and more employers are starting to do the same.  In fact, if you are looking to work in a fast food restaurant or even as a stocker at one of your local supermarkets, there is a good chance that you may still have a credit check performed on you.

If you are interested in avoiding all jobs that check your credit, you will want to keep a close eye on all of the applications that you fill out.  Many employers will outline their hiring practices, such as whether or not credit checks are performed, on their job applications.  If you are not filling out an application, but rather sending in a resume, you may be able to find what you are looking for one the company’s website, should they have one.  If you are still coming up empty handed, you should be informed of all credit checks before they are performed.

Although your first impulse, as mentioned above, many be to avoid applying for jobs where your credit will be checked, you may want to rethink your decision to do so.  What you need to remember is that more and more employers are starting to check the credit history of all new hires.  By avoiding these types of companies, you may seriously hinder your ability to get a new job.  Instead, there are a few steps that you may want to take and these steps are outlined below for your convenience.

If you are currently employed and just looking for a career change, you may want to consider holding off on that career change. Until you are able to repair your credit, even just a little bit, you may want to refrain from apply for new jobs, especially those that will check your credit. What many individuals do not know is that if you pay off only a couple of your debts, your credit rating will improve. When looking for new employees to hire, employers are realistic. They know that they will rarely be able to find employees with perfect credit scores.  That is why any improvements that you can make, no matter how large or small, should help you.

Although controversial, there are many who state that you should openly discuss your credit history with potential employers, especially if they ask you about your credit or ask you to okay a check on your credit history. If your debt is due to an unexpected emergency, like a medical emergency, you may want to state so. As previously mentioned, most employers are realistic; they know that not everyone is perfect. Of course, you will want to take every step to improve your credit, but having a good, verifiable excuse may help your case.  If you have a poor credit rating, you really don’t have that much to do lose, do you?

The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when encountering a company who wants to check your credit.

How to Impress Prospective Employers after the Interview

A Thank You Note is Just One Way to Impress After an Interview

If you are currently in the job market you may be preparing yourself for upcoming job interviews.  While you will spend a good amount of time preparing for interviews, it is just as important to know what to do when the interview is over.

It is important to remember that you need to do well in the interview first. These are some preparation tips that may help you before the interview: familiarize yourself with common interview questions, create a list of questions that you should ask interviewers, and select a professional outfit to wear. As soon as you have each of these preparation steps out of the way, you may want to take the time to focus on after the interview.

If you are wondering what you should after a job interview, you are definitely not alone.  Unfortunately, this is where many in today’s job market make mistakes, possibly costly mistakes.  Many believe that as soon as they finish up a job interview, the rest is in the hands of the management staff. While this can ring true in many cases, did you know that there are still steps that you can take to improve your chances of getting the job, even after the interview has ended?

The first step to take after the interview is over is to go out of your way to thank the interviewer.  In most cases, you will find that this person would be your supervisor if you were to get the position.  Be sure to thank them for the job interview opportunity. Also, if you had a scheduling conflict or were late to your job interview (although your should NEVER be late to an interview), be sure to thank the interviewer for being patient and accommodating to you. This may improve your chances in more ways than you could have ever imagined, especially if you were late. Be sure to shake hands.  Many view this as the “official,” closing of a job interview.

When you leave the interview room, there is a good chance that you would have to walk through the rest of the establishment. Whether you have to walk fifty feet or five hundred feet, there is a good chance that you will come into contact with other individuals, namely other employees.  Be sure to acknowledge them with a quick hello as you pass.  This is particularly important if a company supervisor is escorting you from the building or at least watching you leave, acknowledging other coworkers shows that you are able to go out of your way to get along with them. This is a good sign that you may be a great team player.

Once you return home, you will want to prepare a thank you letter to mail out to the interviewer. There are many individuals who have pre made thank you letters.  In fact, some will even mail out their thank you notes on their way home from the interview. While it is possible to do so, you may want to add a personal note to your thank you letter.  This will help to prove it wasn’t a necessarily a preplanned gesture. With that in mind, the sooner that you can mail out your thank you note, the better shape you will likely be in. You will want to try and have your thank you note reach its recipient before an official decision has been made on who gets the job.

As outlined above, there are a number of different ways that you can go about landing your dream job even after the job interview has concluded.  What is nice is that these steps are relatively easy to implement.  In fact, you rarely have to take any special action.  These steps may not always lead you to be hired for the job, but there is no harm in taking a chance.

Different Ways to Find a Job

Use Unique Ways to Find a Job

If you are currently unemployed and have been looking for a job for a while the question we hear quite often is, “how you can I go about finding new employment opportunities”. There are many different ways to seek out job openings.  Some of those options are quite obvious, like using online career hunting like staffing companies or job hunting websites or the employment section of a newspaper; however, there are other options that are fairly unique, but effective.

One of the best ways to find out which jobs are out there is by just asking people you know. Word of mouth is a great way to find jobs that you may be qualified for; jobs that you may want to apply for.  What is amazing about this approach is those that you know, whether they are your friends, family members, or neighbors, may not even be looking for a job themselves.  They may have just come across a now hiring sign or happen to see an advertisement in their newspaper’s employment section.  It may seem weird when you think about it, but those who aren’t actually looking for jobs are usually the best sources of information when it comes to finding a job.

Another unique way that you can go about finding a job is by working with a buddy or a partner.  If you know of anyone, like a family member or friend, who is also in need of a job, you and that person may want to think about teaming up.  For instance, you could search for job listings online and your partner could search for job listings in local newspapers.  This approach is nice because it allows you to save time, when searching for job listings.  Yes, you may end up receiving a little bit of competition from your job hunting buddy, but the amount of time that you are able to save will likely be well worth it in the end.  Also, depending on where you live, you may be able to find hundreds of available job listings; therefore, the chances of both you and your job hunting buddy finding a job are actually quite high.

Another different way that you can go about finding jobs is by using the internet to your advantage, namely online message boards.  Online message boards, as you likely already know, are online forums where internet users can interact with each other.  Although many internet users use online message boards for recreational purposes, there are others who use them for business purposes, like with assistance with finding a job. In most cases, online message boards are great ways to learn about work-at-home opportunities or nationally operated companies that may have a local branch near you.  It is not uncommon for a current company employee to mention that their company is hiring or just outline the fact that they enjoy working for the company in question.  If you happen to comes across these types of discussions, you may want to prod for more information or at least do your own investigation of the company in question. 

Another approach that you may want to take isn’t necessarily considered unique, but it isn’t as common as you would think.  Many businesses, even those that are locally owned and operated, now have online websites.  Many businesses have a webpage that is devoted to employment. That employment page may outline whether or not the company in question is currently hiring.  If they are, information on what positions are available or how you can apply may also be touched on.  If you don’t already know the online websites of your local employers or ones that you would be interested in working for, you can easily find them, if they do exist, by performing a standard internet search.

The above mentioned approaches are just a few of the many unique or less common ways that you can go about finding a job.  With the above mentioned approaches, combined with online career hunting or job hunting websites, career counseling centers, career fairs, and your newspaper’s employment sections, you are sure to find a handful of job listings; job listings that you may want to apply for.

The Importance of Examining Company Websites When Job Searching

Check Out A Companies Website

Individuals looking for jobs these days spent numerous hours surfing online job boards, or thumbing through their local newspaper.  While these are necessary in today’s job search, there is another tool that you should use in conjunction with job posting websites and local newspapers. That tool is a company website.

In today’s society, which is based on the latest technology, many businesses have online websites.  In fact, business websites have, in a way, become a necessity.  Even locally owned and operated businesses have started using online websites to their advantage.  Although we often think of business websites from a customer standpoint, they can also be of use to you as a job seeker.  For more information on how, you will want to continue reading on.

As previously stated, you can use online job posting websites and newspaper employment sections to help you find open jobs in or around your area.  While these resources are nice, you may find the information that they contain to be limited.  This is most common with newspaper employment advertisements, as they are often limited on space.  Of course, you can still go ahead and submit your resume or a job application for a position that you do not know much about, but you may end up wasting your time.  If you are serious about finding a job, this wasted time is something that you may not have.

If you are able to get the name of the company that is posting a job listing ether online or in print, you will want to use that company name in a standard internet search. A standard internet search should lead you to websites where that company is mentioned.  Often times, a standard internet search will connect you to that company’s online website, should they have one.  This website, should you be able to come across it, can be a wealth of information.

When examining the online website of a company that you would like to apply to, you will first want to search for any information on employment or careers.  This section, if there is one, may provide you with more information on the positions that are currently open in your area.  You may find more detailed information, such as salary and job requirements, than you would in a traditional job posting.  In fact, you may even find that you are able to submit your job application or your resume online!

In addition to searching for a careers or employment section, you will also want to examine the website in general.  If you are looking for a career in retail, examine the company’s website to see where they may have retail locations, which type of products they sell, as well as which type of customers they target. This may help make deciding if you should apply for the job advertised online or in your local newspaper easier.  For instance, you may find that the company you found a job opening for specializes in selling adult entertainment items.  If that the case and if you feel uncomfortable working in that environment, you can simply move on, without having to take any other action.

In addition to helping you decide whether or not the company in question is a company that you would like to work for, you can also use a company website to your advantage later on.  If you are ever contacted for a job interview, the information that you retained from the company website may be able to better assist you.  It can give you an idea of your intended job duties or the type of employees the company is looking to hire.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to taking the time to examine a company website before officially submitting your resume or job application.  This process is one that should not take too much time; therefore, it is an action that you can only benefit from.

The Importance of a Professional Resume when Job Hunting

Make Sure Your Resume Stands Out

Are you currently looking for a job?  No matter what type of job you are applying for, whether you want to be a contractor, Healthcare professinal, Accountant, IT professional, a secretary, or a retail store manager, you will want to make a resume for yourself.  Your resume must have a professional appearance.

Many people wonder why a professinal resume is so important, especially in today’s digital age.  In all honesty, there are a number of different reasons. Some of those reasons are oulined below.

Perhaps, the biggest reason as to why you need to submit a resume that is professional in nature is because the resume is often the first thing that a hiring employer will see.  In today’s digital age, many employers initial contact with a perspective employee may be through a resume sent to that employer.   Most just simply submit their resume as an email attachment or mail it in.  Since your face will not be seen and your personality will not be witnessed right away, your resume will essentially end up doing all of the talking for you. That is why you want to make sure that it looks and feels professional.

What you may not realize is that there are many employers who classify all of their applicants based on their resumes.  Yes, this may not necessarily be fair, especially when that classification is based solely on appearance, but it is something that does happen.  The last thing you need is for your resume to filed away, because of its appearance.  The biggest key to a resume is that it is EASY TO READ, the prospective employer should be able to scan your resume in just a few seconds and have an idea of what your skill set and experience level is.

A professional resume, even just a professionally looking one, is also important because it can help give you an edge above the competition.  For many, submitting a resume that is professional in nature, right to the point, and easy to read is common sense, but for others it isn’t so obvious.  You may actually be surprised with how many applicants respond to a job listing with a resume that should have never left their house.  Depending on the job listing you are responding to, you may end up being one of hundreds of applicants. That is why it is important that you get an edge.  However, the way to do this is with a professional resume, not one that will get laughed at all the way to the trash can.

As you can see, from being outlined above, there are a number of different reasons as to why the resumes that you submit to hopeful employers should be professional in nature.  The term professional in nature is used because your resume doesn’t actually have to be professionally done.  If you do have some writing experience, particularly concerning resumes, you may be able to produce your own professional resume.  If you need assistance with your resume, please contact Avery Partners and one of our recruiters will be happy to assist you with your resume.

Is Applying to Companies that are Not Hiring a Wise Move or Not?

Should I apply to a company not hiring?

Are you in desperate need of a job?  A record number of people in today’s economy are.  If you are currently unemployed or if you truly think that your current job is making you “crazy,” you may be in need of that new job.  When searching for a new job, especially if you need one in a hurry, there are many individuals who think that the more job applications they fill out or the more resumes they submit, the better their chances of finding a new job are.  But, how do you approach employers who are currently not hiring?  If you are wondering whether or not you should fill out a job application or submit your resume to a place that isn’t hiring, you are not alone.

There are a number of important factors that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to determining whether or not you should submit a job application or drop off your resume to a company that isn’t hiring.  Perhaps, the most important factor is if you know for sure they are not hiring. When it comes to filling out job applications, there are many applicants who try and determine, upfront, whether or not there are any positions available.  If you happen to stop by a local business or call to ask about hiring and get a negative response, you may not want to submit an application anyways, especially if you gave your name.  This tends to create a bad impression; an impression that states that you don’t necessarily listen to what you are being told.

Now, there is a difference between knowing in advance that a business isn’t hiring versus being told as soon as you go to turn in your job application or your resume.  If you are told when you are submitting your resume or job application, it is advised that you ask about the future?  Does the company representative that you are speaking with think that they will be doing any hiring in the future? If so, you may want to think about asking them to hang on to your job application or your resume for future use. In some states, employers are required to save all job applications and resumes for about a year.  Of course, if the business in question later advertises the fact that they are hiring, you are advised against automatically assuming that your resume is still on file. You may want to call, just to make sure.

One of the few downsides to applying to places that aren’t necessarily hiring at the current moment is the timing. As it was previously mentioned, many employers are required to save any job applications or resumes that they receive for a period of time, like a year.  This is nice because some employers decide to not even advertise the fact that they are hiring, instead many just go through the resumes or job applications that they accumulated overtime.  The only problem is the overtime part.  You may have submitted your application eight months ago and only end up getting a response now.  If you are like many job seekers, you should be able to find a job in as little as a few weeks, sometimes a month or two at the most. That means that by the time your application or resume gets noticed, it may already end up being too late.

As a reminder, the decision as to whether or not you want to apply at a place that isn’t hiring is yours to make, but it is advised that you proceed with caution when doing so.  If you are told that applications are not being accepted at the current time, even just to hang on to, you are advised to cut your loses and move on. The last thing that you want to do is create a scene or try to convince an employer to hang on to your application, as you may end up creating a bad name for yourself; one that may haunt you, you resume, or your job application for years to come.

Avery Partners is here to help you with your employment needs, please contact us so we can help!

The Staffing Industry

Staffing and the staffing industry as a whole have seen a tremendous change over the past 5-10 years in the way business is conducted between both clients and contractors.  Ten years ago the norm was to work directly with a client, build a relationship with the hiring manager or business owner, discover their employment needs, and deliver at least three highly skilled candidates who had been vetted, screened, tested, and otherwise proven their technical and personal skills to the agency that would represent them.  The company would then charge an independent fee for each candidate and negotiate the best rate possible for themselves.  The change occurred with the introduction of Vendor Management Systems or VMS’s.

Vendor Management Systems set a specific amount of money an agency can markup a candidates pay, and the length of the contracts before a person can become a permanent employee.  This “automated” process has become standard throughout many industries:  Healthcare and Medical fields, Technology, Finance, Accounting, and many more.  Many staffing companies were slow to embrace this new “automated” process, but not Avery Partners.  Avery Partners saw this as the great equalizer, because there would still be interaction with hiring managers and candidates, but all other things being equal, it would come down to the company who treated people on both sides the best.  The evidence of this success can be seen immediately when looking at work done between Avery Partners and Xerox.  Avery Partners has employed hundreds of people with Xerox, and continues to have several hundred openings throughout the country at any and all times with Xerox and several other top notch companies.

Technology will continue to streamline processes and speed the pace of life, but Avery Partners knows that human interaction is how we will separate ourselves in the future, not just in staffing, but in life as a whole!

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