Sometimes an interview can be all to change your fate and career for the best. Therefore, it is important that you attend every interview with enthusiasm and the right attitude. To optimize your chances to be successful, remember to avoid the following things while facing an interview. The first thing to avoid is being un-prepared […]
Posts Tagged ‘.NET Jobs Atlanta’
Six Things to Avoid While Facing An Interview

Why Small Organizations Mean Big Business
In the movie “You’ve Got Mail”, the sub-plot aside from the love angle is that the heroine (played by Meg Ryan) was forced out of business when the big-time bookstore owner (played by Tom Hanks) moved into town. Meg’s character owned a quaint little bookstore which she inherited from her mother. Although the prices of […]

Why Should You Never Complain In An Interview?
While you are in an interview session with an employer, one of the most tempting mistakes to avoid is complaining about your former company or boss. No matter how bad your former boss was, or how much you hated your earlier job, it is important that you avoid mentioning this during your interview as this […]

Economic Downturns and the Successful Employment Search: Tips and Tricks
One of the defining characteristics of an economic downturn is that there are people who are not comfortable at all with searching for a job competing for the few jobs that are available. As such, the skills that are needed when the economy is doing well are different that those useful skills that help you […]

How To Face a Blind Interview?
You are lucky if you know someone from the company that you are about to go for an interview, or even better if you know someone from the interview panel. However, this is a rare case for a lucky few. Most of the times, you just know the company name and the post that you […]

How to Get a Promotion Without Having to Ask for One
Are you interested in advancing within your company? If you are, your first though may be to ask for a promotion. Of course, it is more than possible for you to ask for a promotion, but do you know that they are not always well received? For that reason, you may want to consider holding […]

Important Questions That You Must Ask Your Interviewer
An interview is mostly about the interviewers asking questions to you. However, sometimes it becomes necessary for you to ask questions to the interviewers. It helps in striking a conversation and getting to know more about the expectations of the employer and the need f the company. Some of the important questions that you must […]

Finding a New Job: How to Use Career Training to Your Advantage
Are you interested in changing careers or changing jobs? If you are, your first impulse may involve automatically quitting your current job and going right out and applying for new jobs. Of course, the decision is yours to make, but you may want to refrain from taking this approach, as there are no guarantees. Instead, […]

Setting Clear Objectives
To achieve a goal, there is a process that you should implement. This process is to streamline and analyze your objectives, and this process can be very helpful when searcing for a new job. Begin at the very beginning at the smallest, specific part. These are the most important steps to take to meet the […]

Six Things To Avoid While Facing An Interview
Sometimes an interview can be all to change your fate and career for the best. Therefore, it is important that you attend every interview with enthusiasm and the right attitude. To optimize your chances to be successful, remember to avoid the following things while facing an interview. The first thing to avoid is being un-prepared […]