Posts Tagged ‘Staffing Company’

How To Face a Blind Interview?

You are lucky if you know someone from the company that you are about to go for an interview, or even better if you know someone from the interview panel. However, this is a rare case for a lucky few. Most of the times, you just know the company name and the post that you […]

Is Telling Lies In An Interview, Good?

One of the biggest No’s when it comes to getting a job, is telling lies to your prospective employer. In most cases the lies get caught and you will end up losing the job. However, if your are fortunate enough to dupe them and get the job by telling lies then this may cause complications […]

Things That Can Annoy Potential Employers

Today’s job market is in a quite sorry shape and still there are more job seekers than there are job openings. Therefore it is highly important that you don’t annoy your potential employers. If you are wondering what I mean by that then read on to get it more clarified. Here are some things that […]

Tips to Tactically Responding to Inappropriate Interview Questions

Many times interviewees are put in a situation where they are asked inappropriate questions. These are basically the kind of questions that should rather not be asked during a professional interview. However, if you are ever put in a situation like this then you must know how to handle it tactfully. There are several federal, […]

Tips On Writing A Resume- Stay At Home Mom Returning To Work

Many people choose to stay at home for a short or long period while their families are young or even until the kids get out and on their own. Writing a resume, stay at home mom returning to work, dad caring for the children or even both parents taking time off can be difficult as […]

Economic Downturns and the Successful Employment Search: Tips and Tricks

One of the defining characteristics of an economic downturn is that there are people who are not comfortable at all with searching for a job competing for the few jobs that are available.  As such, the skills that are needed when the economy is doing well are different that those useful skills that help you […]

Important Tips for Your Job Search

Are you looking for a job? Many people are today, which means that you need to do everything you can to give yourself an advantage over the competition. Here are some important tips to remember for your job search. One important tip for anyone’s job search is to remember that you want to expand your […]

Positively Thinking Out of the Box

How can one person “think out of the box?” This should be done independently, but how? Here’s an example: Cut a cake into eight slices but you have to make no more than three cuts. Most people will have trouble coming up with a way to cut the cake. But to solve this, you have […]

“7 Easy Steps to Improve Your Interviewing Skills”

In the midst of technological advancement nowadays, the “back-to-basics” rule still applies when it comes to getting hired for a job. It does not matter if you are planning to apply for a million-dollar company or a small, independent firm. When you face an interviewer, it all boils down to how you present yourself. This […]

Must-know Tips on Executive Job Search

It is normal for every person to strive for career advancement and growth. It makes them feel that all of their hard work has paid off and that a promotion is, indeed, the best reward they can get. However, for some whose luck seems to be so illusive, they have to find their own growth […]

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